Sunday, July 31, 2011

William's Birthday Party at Monkey Island. 2/5/2011

Leah really liked the marry go round.
This is the only time Daniel was still enough to get a picture.
Random picture of Leah and Eden eating apples.
Leah climbing up to go down the big slide. Daniel was at the top encouraging her to come all the way up.
Leah really loved the monkey's She watches Curious George a lot and while she was there every time she walked by a monkey she ran up and gave it a loving hug. It was super cute.
Thanks Michelle and Burdette for inviting us to such a fun Birthday!

Decorating Valentines cookies and building train tracks 1/17/2011

Mom and I found two big boxes of wooden trains and tracks and the thrift store. We had a lot of fun covering the entire living room floor with them.
Leah Loves Grandma and loves cookie dough.
Daniel made me a V cookie.
Leah ate a lot of cookie dough.
Daniel can decorate cookies with William and wink ;)

Now that is how you eat a frosted cookie with lots of sprinkles.

I'm pretty sure that one of both of them licked the frosting off of the lid too.

A few weeks before Valentines Day Grandma Jacobson. Helped the kids make and decorate cookies. They of course loved it. Leah and Eden really liked putting frosting and sprinkles on, licking them off and putting more on.