Friday, March 30, 2012

Leah makes a little friend 10/12/2011

Leah found a millipede. She thought it was pretty cool. She liked how it tickled her fingers with its legs. I remember being fascinated with bugs when I was a kid. Now I really have no desire to pick them up and examine them like this.haha

Leah is batman, with a back pack, babysitting baby Janie

Daniel starts Kindergarten 8/30/2011

I just had to include this cute picture of my cute kids. They play so great together.

Daniel loved his first day of kindergarten. He was also very excited to ride the bus to school. His teacher put a sticker with the address of each kid on the kids that ride the bus so the bus driver could make sure they got off on the right stop. I thought that was very smart and was grateful. He had a great day and was excited to go back.

Leah and I waiting for the bus to bring Daniel home. I took this picture I told her to smile. She did this instead.