Thursday, January 29, 2009

Building blocks

Daniel loves to build. It doesn't matter if it is with blocks, toys, blankets, couch pillows. He just loves to stack things. I took these pictures of his Block towers. For his second birthday Jon made him these blocks. He is really creative and I promise we didn't do any of the building.

This is one of my favorites. It is so big and elaborate. I snuck in to see if he was asleep and I found this amaizing tower he had built before finally dozing off. I swear he's going to be an architect.

This one looks very different from the two angles. They are actually the same tower though.

He even built this tiny tower right before falling asleep under his bed.

This is his newest one. It even has two separate rooms.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Here is a cute picture that I took of Leah and Grandpa Jensen. I told her to say cheese and this is what she did! It was so cute.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Daniel and William refusing to smile

Here is a cute picture of Michelle's baby Eden

Unfortunately the grandmas got their heads cut off but this was a cute picture any ways.

I couldn't resist taking this picture she was just being so cute while I got her bath ready.

I was trying to get a cute picture of the kids by the Christmas tree but Leah kept squirming and Daniel's back was getting poked by the TV. So this is the best one I got.