Friday, August 5, 2011

More Art by Daniel 3/28/2011

Leah is the one in front of the pig with the curls.
This is another picture of Jon coming home from work. This time at night. You can see Daniel waiting in the window. I love this one.
Daniel is really good at pigs and writing his and Leah's names.

Climbing the tree, a bubble bath and Sunday morning. 3/20/2011

Daniel has gotten pretty good at climbing the tree in Grandma and Grandpa Jacobson's back yard. Cute Sunday morning pictures

Two kids in the bubbles.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Some random February pictures.

I think Leah took this lovely picture of Daniel.

My cute kids being cute.
Daniel multitasking riding while sweeping, and Leah tooting a pvc pipe horn. (pretty sure these aren't in February seeing how green the grass is...but the they were in the same group of photos.)
This one is for my brother Jordan who is always sticking his tongue out when you take his picture.
A self portrait by Leah.
Leah the monkey, clinging to Dads back.
Gotcha Dad.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Artwork by Daniel 2/3/2011

Daniel really likes to draw and make things. He made this great picture of Jon and his car and our red brick house with a flower and a nice sunny day. I zoomed in on Jon and the car so you could see how cute they are.

One Day Daniel really wanted to write the word cat to put by his drawing of a cat. This one is actually the final draft after he got some help.

This is the first draft that he attached to a cute little house that he colored and cut out himself. He got the number of letters right, just didn't know what he was spelling :)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

William's Birthday Party at Monkey Island. 2/5/2011

Leah really liked the marry go round.
This is the only time Daniel was still enough to get a picture.
Random picture of Leah and Eden eating apples.
Leah climbing up to go down the big slide. Daniel was at the top encouraging her to come all the way up.
Leah really loved the monkey's She watches Curious George a lot and while she was there every time she walked by a monkey she ran up and gave it a loving hug. It was super cute.
Thanks Michelle and Burdette for inviting us to such a fun Birthday!

Decorating Valentines cookies and building train tracks 1/17/2011

Mom and I found two big boxes of wooden trains and tracks and the thrift store. We had a lot of fun covering the entire living room floor with them.
Leah Loves Grandma and loves cookie dough.
Daniel made me a V cookie.
Leah ate a lot of cookie dough.
Daniel can decorate cookies with William and wink ;)

Now that is how you eat a frosted cookie with lots of sprinkles.

I'm pretty sure that one of both of them licked the frosting off of the lid too.

A few weeks before Valentines Day Grandma Jacobson. Helped the kids make and decorate cookies. They of course loved it. Leah and Eden really liked putting frosting and sprinkles on, licking them off and putting more on.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

My big five year old! 1/11/2011

January 11

We celebrated the birth of our son Daniel James Passey. He is five years old and we love him so much. Daniel had a great time on his birthday. We had family, cake balloons and presents! What more can you want?

*warning: there are a ton of pictures.

The cake/cupcakes

mmmm. Cake.

Daniel's cousin Chris showing them how it is done.

Daniel and William trying to make the helicopter Grandma Passey and Christopher, Meryn and Katelyn gave him fly.
Not quite sure how the napkins are helping.

The squinty smile
Eden Showing off Grandma's watch and lots of crazy bandz
Leah and Katelyn

I just love this one. Even though there are way too many pics on this post.
The Lady killer. Who can resist a face like that?

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Snow and a black eye 11/13/2010

We got a lot of snow and the kids had a blast, shoveling, playing, and getting buried in it.

Daniel sat on the top of the snow hill while Joe and I
shoveled/ snow blowed he got a little buried.
Leah was a big help with the shoveling
Daniel took a break from being buried to test his scooter
Leah discovered that If you get stuck you can always
grab a bite to eat
She waded all the way out there by herself. Quite the
feat in deep snow and a snow suit.
Daniel showing me the snow ball he is about to throw at me.
Daniel trying to give Leah some help up the snow hill.

The snow this winter was crazy. It snowed another foot while we were out there shoveling.

And just for fun and documenting purposes. Here is Jon and his lovely black eye that he got from standing up, turning around and walking right into a beam. Ouch.