Sunday, May 15, 2011

My big five year old! 1/11/2011

January 11

We celebrated the birth of our son Daniel James Passey. He is five years old and we love him so much. Daniel had a great time on his birthday. We had family, cake balloons and presents! What more can you want?

*warning: there are a ton of pictures.

The cake/cupcakes

mmmm. Cake.

Daniel's cousin Chris showing them how it is done.

Daniel and William trying to make the helicopter Grandma Passey and Christopher, Meryn and Katelyn gave him fly.
Not quite sure how the napkins are helping.

The squinty smile
Eden Showing off Grandma's watch and lots of crazy bandz
Leah and Katelyn

I just love this one. Even though there are way too many pics on this post.
The Lady killer. Who can resist a face like that?

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Love that last picture! He is so much fun!!!