Tuesday, October 20, 2009

An update.

Daniel still loves to build. A few weeks ago he built this garage for his cars. It was really cool. It reminded me of the "Cozy Cone Motel" on Disney's Cars. He really is creative. He has also been building a lot of huts out of pillows and blankets all over the house. last night he built one in his room next to his bed.

Daniel is now finally pretty much potty trained. He goes to the bathroom without me telling him too, and he even sleeps in underwear and has only had two night time accidents in the last month or so. He is really doing great and I am excited. My stress levels have gone down dramatically now that I am not worried about accidents and reminding him all day. He even does a good job when we go shopping, he just tells me when he needs to go. It is so nice. One funny though is that Jon showed him how to pee in the bushes if we were camping or something, and the other day it had been a really long time since he had gone and I told him he should probably go. He told me that he peed outside in the bushes. When I tried to tell him that he should have come in the house he told me that Daddy said it was ok. As much as I tried to convince him otherwise he was determined that it was fine and so when Jon got home he had to explain that he was only supposed to do that when we were camping. It was pretty funny. I was just happy that he didn't go in his underwear;)

Leah has been talking a lot more lately. My favorite words that she says are: baby, meow, Daniel and tomato. Although when she says tomato it really sounds nothing like the real word. She parrots many words that we say. I have to pay close attention now that she is actually saying words so that I don't miss what she is saying and make her frustrated. She is also walking, running, climbing and just lately started spinning in circles. Daniel likes to play "ring around the rosy" with her but she prefers to do it herself. It makes me a bit nervous because of the rock fire place in the living room and that of course is her favorite place to spin. She also really loves books. She will even sit and read them herself sometimes usually using one word like ball or meow through the whole book. These kids are so cute and growing so fast. I really need to blog more about them and document their cuteness.


Sarah said...

I love the new look! Your title picture is gorgeous, where is that?
You have such cute kiddos. I'm glad that Daniel is potty trained, that must be such a huge relief.

Valerie said...

The picture is the sumac tree in the back yard. It was snowing a couple of weeks ago and I went out and took a bunch of pics with the fall leaves. It really is a relief to have him potty trained.

Michelle said...

Love the new blog posts!! Daniel and Leah are so fun, I loved playing with Leah the other day and how she is starting to warm up to me. I also love the sumac picture that is so pretty!! Thanks for updating, you are not a boring writer by the way. I love th hear about your kiddos ( and you of coarse!!)