Monday, December 15, 2008

Sleeping Habbits

Some times when I check on Daniel during his nap or before we go to bed I find him in some funny places. See if you can find Daniel in this picture. He put his bed like that himself.

This is when I found him in his closet. The closet door was only open a few inches. When I first went into his room I was a little worried because I couldn't find him. His pants are wet because he took the lid off of his sippy cup and spilled it all over himself.

He was asleep when I found him but he woke up after I took the first few pictures. He was really cute when he woke up.

Christmas Lights

Last night we were driving and we pointed out some Christmas lights to Daniel. First he said, "what are those?" I said those are Christmas lights. He said "It's a Christmas light Jungle" We thought that was really funny. The house we drove by did kind of look like a Christmas light Jungle.

Ginger bread people

I tried to get a good picture of Daniel with the tree but he kept running away so this is the best one.
We made some ginger bread people for our tree. Daniel loved eating the Ginger bread. He was worried I was going to put them all on the tree. I think they are really cute.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Too big to run fast

It really is funny the things that Daniel comes up with. I went to My parents house on Thursday to try to get some projects done with some company. We ate Dinner with my family and Mom made us some soup that had alphabet pasta, lentils, carrots, turkey, etc. Daniel was eating the turkey and pasta but he was reluctant to try the lentils. So I decided to try some bribery...I told him that they would help him to be stronger and run faster. He thought about it for a minute and then said he didn't want to eat them. So my mom trying to be helpful asked if she could eat them. He said "sure". Then mom said that she wanted to eat them so she could run fast. Daniel looked at her and said "You're to big to run fast." We all thought it was hilarious. Daniel though was completely serious.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Putting up the tree

We put up the tree Sunday night and decided that the stocking were great hats.

Jesus has a car seat

So we put up our Christmas decorations and Daniel likes to play with the nativity that I have set out. Yesterday he picked up one of the wise men and said "Is this Jesus?" I told him who it was and then of course told him who the rest of them were. Today he picked up the baby Jesus and said "This is baby Jesus. He's in his car seat huh?" Then I had to explain what a manger is. It is funny the things that you don't think about your kids not knowing. It is fun to be able to teach him about Jesus and Christmas. He is so smart I thought it was great how he saw the manger and used his base of knowledge to decide what was going on.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

She did it!

Leah rolled over for the first time today. I thought that she would do it front to back first but she did it back to front.

Daniel and the Cocoa powder...

Well this is proof that I sleep to much. Daniel did this one morning when instead of waking up early I turned on the cartoons and went back to bed. Jon had gone to work early and made himself a protein shake with some cocoa powder which got left on the counter. Daniel came into my room and said. "I'm messy mom" I took one look at him said "you sure are!" and ran to see the damage... this is what I found..(except I moved the new brick of cheese that he had taken out of the container it was in and dusted in cocoa powder, then left on the floor on the lid of said container.

He must have been eating the cocoa powder because it was all over his face and mouth. I think he must have liked it to, because there was a large spot in front of the tv. where it looked like he had sat down to snack and he didn't tell me that it was yucky.

The Zoo

We went to the zoo for my birthday in August. It was pretty fun. The weather wasn't too hot or anything and most of the animals were out and about. Daniel really liked watching the monkeys, elephants, and tigers. Unfortunately we don't have very many pictures because we had a the tiny memory card that my new camera came with.

Blogging trouble

So I have been having a bit of a hard time figuring out this blog thing. I ended up just deleting my first attempt because it had a problem that I couldn't fix. Hopefully I have better luck with this one. I am going to try to re-post the pictures and text that I had on the old one and see how that works then I will try and add some new stuff. Wish me luck!